Center for the Study of Religion and Conflict Scholarships
Undergraduate Sholarships

Friends of the Center for the Study of Religion and Conflict Undergraduate Research Awards
The Center for the Study of Religion and Conflict undergraduate research fellows program provides a rich interdisciplinary atmosphere for student development. Undergraduate students from all majors and years of study are encouraged to apply. To qualify, applicants must have a GPA of 3.5 or higher.
Students accepted into the program work directly with a faculty member on research projects involving religion, conflict, and peace; take a special class with the Center's director; earn three credit hours; qualify for a $1,500 scholarship; meet with visiting scholars and attend special lectures; and compete for research, travel, and conference funds.

Friends of the Center for the Study of Religion and Conflict Undergraduate Research Awards
This award offers undergraduate students from all majors up to $2,500 of travel and research support to study the dynamics of religion, conflict, and peace. To qualify, applicants must have a GPA of 3.0 or higher.
Funds may be used for travel or research support to study the dynamics of religion, conflict, and peace, including research for an honor’s thesis, participation in reputable, internationally-oriented training programs in religion, conflict, and peacebuilding, or research activities that advance understanding of the intersections of religion, conflict and peace. These activities might include research for an honor’s thesis; participation in reputable, internationally-oriented training programs in religion, conflict, and peacebuilding; or research activities that advance understanding of the intersections of religion and conflict.

Ansari Travel Scholarship in Religion and International Affairs
An award of up to $5,000 is available to one undergraduate student each year to travel to carry out research, attend specialized training programs, or participate in an internship related to the study of religion in international affairs. To be eligible, applicants must be enrolled as a full-time undergraduate student, demonstrate financial need as defined by the university, and have a 3.0 or higher cumulative average GPA (non-weighted).
Award recipient will be selected based on the strength of their proposed project (a research project, training program, or internship) and its ability to contribute to their overall program of study and career development and financial need as demonstrated by the FAFSA form on file with ASU Financial Services. Completed FAFSA is required for this award.
Graduate Scholarships

Friends of the Center for the Study of Religion and Conflict Graduate Research Awards
This award offers graduate students from all majors up to $2,500 of travel and research support to study the dynamics of religion, conflict, and peace. To qualify, applicants must be enrolled in a graduate degree program at Arizona State University and be in good standing with their department at the time of application and award receipt.
The award must be used to pursue advanced studies or training in some aspect of religion, conflict, and peace studies such as research for a master’s thesis or doctoral dissertation, participation in reputable, internationally-oriented training programs in religion, conflict, and peacebuilding, and research activities that advance understanding of the intersections of religion and conflict.
Awards will be made based on the scholarly record and promise of the applicant; the significance of the research or training to the study of religion, conflict and peace; and the significance of the research or training to the applicant’s program of study.