Digging beyond surface level understandings of religion, conflict and peace

Digging beyond surface level understandings of religion, conflict and peace

Our World

Religion wields extraordinary influence in public life. A rich reservoir of values, principles, and ideals, religion also can be a powerful source of conflict and violence. As diverse traditions—religious and secular—collide, globalizing trends that make the world smaller are also unleashing dynamics that give way to the most complex and challenging problems of our age.

Our Mission

The Center for the Study of Religion and Conflict at Arizona State University promotes interdisciplinary research and education on the dynamics of religion and conflict with the aim of advancing knowledge, seeking solutions and informing policy. By serving as a research catalyst that fosters exchange and collaboration across the university as well as with its broader publics—local, national, and global—the Center fosters innovative and engaged thinking on matters of enormous importance to us all.

Our Approach

Committed to a model of scholarship that is cross-disciplinary, collaborative and problem-focused, the Center stimulates new research by bringing together faculty and students from across the disciplines; creating links among scholars, professionals, policymakers, practitioners and religious leaders; and fostering cross-cultural exchange through partnerships and collaborations with international scholars, students and institutions.

Our People

The work of the Center would not be possible without the committed faculty and staff who carry it out everyday or without the devoted Friends of the Center who support it: