ASU/Luce COVID-19 Rapid Relief
Organzations & Projects
Organizations & projects:
By working through a network of organizations embedded within their communities, the ASU/Luce COVID-19 Rapid Relief fund provides support to help meet the basic needs of individuals and families affected by the pandemic, including assistance with rent, utilities, food, PPE, hygiene, baby formula, diapers, technology access, and refrigeration equipment. Organizations were selected through a competitive application process and have established track records of ensuring that help goes towards those how need it. Learn more below.
Community served: Undocumented, DACA, and mixed status families
Project: Cash assistance for mixed status families for rent, utilities, food, and other bills
Bhutanese Community in Arizona
Community served: Refugees, migrants
Project: Rent and utility assistance, food boxes, hygiene/PPE kits, and cleaning supplies
Catholic Charities
Community served: Refugees, migrants, & asylum-seekers
Project: Rent support and WiFi access for unaccompanied minors (refugees, asylees, & victims of trafficking)
Florence Immigration & Refugee Rights Project
Community served: Migrants & asylum-seekers
Project: Food boxes, hygiene and PPE supplies, and technology services for clients
Hualapai Tribe
Community served: Native American (Hualapai)
Project: Refrigerators for food pantry distrubtion center
International Rescue Committee (Phoenix)
Community served: Refugees, migrants, & asylum-seekers; Mixed status families
Project: Rent and utility assistance
Iranian American Society of Arizona (IASAz)
Community served: Refugees, migrants & asylum-seekers
Project: Rental assistance and food box delivery
Lutheran Social Services of the Southwest (LSS-SW)
Community served: Refugees, immigrants; Mixed-status families
Project: Rent and utility assistance
Navajo United Way, Inc.
Community served: Native American (Navajo)
Project: Diapers, wipes, water, formula for Navajo children
Pascua Yaqui Tribe Charitable Organization
Community served: Native American (Pascua Yaqui)
Project: Freezers for food pantry distrubtion center
Refugees & Immigrant Community for Empowerment (RICE)
Community served: Refugees, migrants, & asylum-seekers; Mixed-status families
Project: Rent and utility assistance, food boxes, hygiene/PPE kits, and cleaning supplies
Somali American United Council
Community served: Refugees, migrants, & asylum-seekers; Mixed-status families
Project: Rent and utility assistance, food box delivery
White Mountain Apache Tribe
Community served: Native American (White Mountain Apache)
Project: Food box delivery, PPE, cleaning, toys