CSRC Scholarships Application

Important Reminders

  • All scholarship applicants must be enrolled at Arizona State University at the time of application and in the semester following the proposed research or program.

    • Spring applications are typically awarded for summer research, meaning you must be enrolled in the spring and following fall semester.

  • Friends of the Center Awards are awarded to undergraduate and graduate students.

    • Friends of the Center awards have a maximum award of $2,500.

    • The number of annual number of awardees varies.
  • The Ansari Travel Scholarship is awarded to undergraduate students only.

    • Students applying to the Ansari Travel Scholarship automatically apply to the Friends of the Center Awards.

    • The Ansari Travel Scholarship awards one student $2,500 per year.
  • A faculty letter of recommendation must be e-mailed directly to Matt Correa, in addition to this form submission.

    • For thesis or dissertation support, the letter must be written by your thesis/dissertation advisor.

Apply Now

  • Current Application: Student Information
  • Application: Academic Information
  • Application: Application Materials
  • Complete
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